Matthias Börner ...the conversation, on an afternoon in early summer on a bench in a park, with a Jewish participant about our doubts in faith. Not a discussion, eexplanation, or defense of our religions but a very personal sharing in the Other's everyday life of faith.
Pfarrer Matthias Börner
...das Gespräch an einem frühsommerlichen Nachmittag auf einer Parkbank mit einer jüdischen Teilnehmerin über unseren Zweifel im Glauben. Kein diskutieren, erklären oder verteidigen unserer Religionen, sondern ein ganz persönliches Anteilnehmen am Glaubensalltag des Anderen. by Halima KrausenDuring the past decades, I have seen many bilateral and multilateral dialogue initiatives emerging all over Europe. They offer conferences, series of lectures, study circles, training programmes, or publications on various levels. But it is especially the thought of the JCM that leaves me with a warm feeling of a home that I grew up in and where I acquired some of the knowledge and confidence that I work with today.
Authors - AutorenAll our speakers and contributors are past participants of JCM. They are asked to focus on their personal views on the topic. The idea is not to give a purely academic presentation but rather present a personal reflection. Tags
March 2021